My Soul Says Yes

My journey seemed brighter, like the sun had marked its territory over my head. And, every step felt lighter, the relief of my burdens I guess. The excitement of it all sent palpitations to my chest. Overcoming my fears gave me the courage to finally say YES! 

3 thoughts on “My Soul Says Yes

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  1. I swear you and I are on the same wavelength right now! I’ve been dealing with self doubt and fear lately. A few new opportunities came my way that made me question if I was ready! (that’s crazy right?)
    I am really stepping out of my comfort zone right now and I have moments of fear but they are no match for my desire to succeed!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love it. Thank you for sharing. I can tell we are on the same wavelength from your SM posts and I am rooting for you. I want to see all your dreams come true chica. Keep pushing.


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